A mermaid birthday cake for a swimming party: every little girl’s birthday dream, judging from the popularity of mermaid parties lately. Although Isabelle’s birthday was in January, holiday craziness usually means we don’t end up having her birthday party until February. This year she was very clear on her desired party theme: she’d been to […]...
Superhero Girl Cupcakes
Superhero girl cupcakes for my superhero girl’s 5th birthday. Although Isabelle’s birthday was in January, we were still on vacation in Hong Kong we didn’t throw a birthday party for her until after we got back. Last year I speculated as to whether she would pick the same theme for her 5th birthday party. Pusheen actually […]...
Pusheen Birthday Party for a 4 Year Old
This post is a bit belated but I couldn’t not share pictures of a Pusheen birthday party! Isabelle wanted a Minnie Mouse party like she had last year – I think she’s at the stage where she enjoys the comfort zone of repetition and wants to repeat the same fun experiences over and over again. I asked if she […]...
Happy Birthday to Me: Strawberry Pink Velvet Cake
Minnie Mouse Cupcakes For A 3rd Birthday Party
One of the best reasons for having a kid: an excuse to make adorable Minnie Mouse cupcakes for a Minnie Mouse birthday party. I probably wouldn’t have thought of making these years ago, but here I am fancying up some cupcakes for Isabelle’s birthday! Just for the record: we celebrated Isabelle’s third birthday on her […]...
Happy Birthday to Me: Strawberry Rose Fraisier
Yearly birthday confession time: in the last few years I’ve gotten really bad at remembering my birthday. Not in a I-don’t-want-reveal-my-age way, but in a I’ve-got-so-much-to-do-I-just-plain-forgot way. I’m way past the age of all-night celebrations in a nightclub anyway, and once you have kids, all the elaborate party planning ends up going to their birthday […]...