Hay Hay It’s Donna Day again – this time hosted by the lovely Laura of Eat Drink Live. I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow, suitcases still half-packed and the apartment a clothes-strewn disaster, but when the theme is sorbet and I’ve been rhapsodizing over the pleasures of summer, priorities give way before the seductive purr of the ice cream machine.
I’ll admit to toeing the guidelines just a bit: while the theme is sorbet, Laura graciously allowed the inclusion of sherbet, which typically uses dairy but not eggs. For some reason when my eye fell on the ruddy-gold nectarines at the market, I pictured them in a creamier, softer base. This recipe, adapted from Emily Luchetti’s A Passion for Ice Cream, uses less milk and cream than the typical ice cream recipes to allow the flavor of the fruit to really shine through. The result is a sweet, honey-toned sherbet bursting with pieces of succulent ripe fruit. It was difficult not to eat it all straight from the ice cream maker!
Making nectarine sherbet also allowed me to make my very first ice cream cones with my newly-acquired pizzelle press – yes, the Kitchen Gadget Acquisition Syndrome does not abate! Crisp, vanilla-scented, satisfyingly ridged from the decorative pattern on the press – the cones are by far the most delightful – and delicious – containers for ice cream I’ve encountered, and the most fun to make. The possibilities for the pizzelles as edible vessels for chocolate, fruit, or other sweet fillings seem boundless and enticingly explorable.
Basking in the late afternoon sun with ice cream cone in hand, oh-so-carefully rotating and licking the cone to catch all the melting sorbet dribbles, slowly making your way down the cone to the last, crunchy, sorbet-soaked bite – what could be more quintessentially summer?
If you’d like some other sorbet ideas, may I suggest some White Peach Sorbet or Pomegranate Sorbet – two of my absolute favorites for summer.
I will gone for the next week on vacation – for my American readers, have a wonderful Fourth of July, and for the rest of you, enjoy the beginning of summer!
Nectarine Sherbet
makes about 1 1/2 quarts
adapted from Emily Luchetti’s A Passion for Ice Cream
2 1/2 pounds nectarines
9 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
Peel, halve, and pit, and chop up the nectarines – you can chop them finer if you want a smoother sherbet or leave them coarser if you’d like to have chunks of fruit in the sherbet – my preference.
Put the nectarines in a medium saucepan with 6 tablespoons of the sugar, the salt, and the lemon juice. Cook on medium heat for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the nectarines turn soft and jammy and the mixture is liquidy and bubbling. Remove from heat and let the nectarines cool to room temperature.
In another medium saucepan combine the cream, milk, and remaining 3 tablespoons of sugar. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is almost simmering.
Remove from heat, pour mixture into a bowl, and chill over an ice bath until it is room temperature.
Stir in the nectarines. At this point you can chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight, which will give it a better texture when you churn it. Or, if the mixture is cool enough and you just can’t wait, you can churn it in an ice cream maker. This is a very soft sherbet so it will probably still need additional chilling in the freezer after you churn it.
Tagged with: Donna Hay + ice+cream + nectarine sherbet + Emily Luchetti
Amy says
I’m so jealous of your pizzelle press. ๐ The sherbet looks fantastic!
Hilda says
Fabulous. I’m going to make this this weekend!
Maria says
Have a great vacation! Thanks for sending us this recipe before you left, I think I will make some ice cream for the 4th! What a great way to celebrate! And I love your ice cream cones!
Ivonne says
I saw a picture of this at work this afternoon and I had to force myself NOT to lick my screen. You are inspirational with your creations!
Kat says
love the pizzele cones and that you got another appliance! this sherbert sounds really summery too. have a nice vacation!
bea at La tartine gourmande says
Looks lovely. I also love my pizzelle press!
have a fun vacation!
Cheryl says
The sorbet is amazing, but what is outstanding is that you make your own cones!!!
Now that is a a from scratch kinda girl.
Jerry says
Looks very yummy! Wonder if it would be good with peaches?
Blame It on Paris says
This very evening I was saying, “We really need to get an ice-cream maker!” To which my husband was raising his eyebrows and saying, “But why?” It’s difficult to have the only sweet tooth. I feel these photos need to come down on my side of the debate, though!
jenjen says
Wow, you just get better and better, what next?
I love that you made your own cones, I would love to do that someday. Must get one of those cone presses.
Rebecca says
Wow, it looks amazing. I was planning on baking ice-cream cones for Donna Day too! Thought I won’t have a press so mine won’t me nearly as fancy ๐
Have a great time on your holiday – bรณn voyage ๐
Paris Cellars says
I hope I can get through the summer without sucombing to an ice cream machine.These ice cream posts are not helping one bit!
Tea says
Nectarines + ice cream maker= sigh.
PS. Kitchen Gadget Acquisition Syndrome–ha!
monica says
yum! i’m swooning if you can’t tell. i love the pizzelle cones! i really want a press…
Inne says
Anita, both sherbet and cones look absolutely delicious! And now I finally now the difference between sherbet and sorbet ๐
Maria says
Yesterday I made the lemon sherbert you have posted on your blog. It was fabulous! It was tart and refreshing. Thanks for the great recipe. Next time I will try the cookies too!
almost vegetarian says
That looks absolutely delicious. Nectarine … who would have guessed? Now I so regret having parted ways with my ice cream maker (ice cream maker, why I’ll never use that). It’s not that I need less appliances, just that I need a larger kitchen!
Anali says
Pizelle cones are such a great idea! And they make a great picture! I’ve been looking for a sherbert recipe, but hadn’t been able to find one. Here it is right in front of my nose! I’m probably going to adapt it, but this is a great start! Thank you!
peabody says
Refreshing and quite tasty I am sure.
Nanners says
So beautiful. Ice cream is one of my absolute favorite things to make during the summer (or all the time, really)! This looks luscious.
Heather says
Oh this looks so wonderful. I’ve really enjoyed Ms. Luchetti’s cookbook as well!
Sara, Ms. Adventures in Italy says
Beautiful pictures and I haven’t tasted nectarines in ice cream in forever….yum!
barbara says
Great cones and sherbet. I think I want one of those presses too. Thanks for participating in HHDD.
Anita says
Thank you! It was a lucky find, the pizzelle press – I’m going to be making full use of it!
Thank you! Hope you had fun making it!
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed making the ice cream and had a great holiday!
You are too sweet. I feel the same way when I see your posts!!
Thank you! Yes, I am running out of room in my kitchen for all my appliances!
I had a lovely vacation, thank you! Now I’m back to admiring your posts!
Thank you! It was definitely a fun and rewarding project to make cones from scratch!
Thank you! I think it would work just as well with peaches!
I definitely cast my vote for the ice cream maker – if your husband doesn’t have a sweet tooth, it just means more for you:)
Thank you! I’m flattered because I adore your photography:) And yes, making your own cones is really fun!
Thank you! Making cones is easier than it seems – the press does most of the hard work!
How are you surviving the heat over there without ice cream?;)
Yes, my ice cream maker is running on overdrive right now. Hope you are enjoying your summer up north!
Thanks! The pizzelle press is great, you should think of getting one!
Thank you! Sherbet or sorbet, they’re both yummy!
I’m glad you liked the sherbet! Hope you enjoy the other recipes!
Almost vegetarian,
Thanks! I think you need to get another ice cream machine soon!
Thank you! I think the sherbet recipe is easily adapted, so I hope you have fun with it!
It was quite tasty, I can reassure you. Thanks!
Thank you! Making ice cream is one of the best things about summer!
Thank you! I love Emily Luchetti, glad to find another fan!
Thank you! I’m always so excited when nectarines come in season!
Thank you! I’m having fun with the press, it’s a great little toy!