I ‘m so excited that the bake sale I’ve been organizing with several other bloggers is this Saturday – less than a week away! Planning has been going extremely well – we now have two locations and almost 50 volunteer bakers!
If you are in San Francisco this Saturday, please come by and support us! The two locations are:
18 Reasons
San Francisco, CA 94110
10 AM to 6 PM
San Francisco, CA 94110
12 PM to 4 PM
Please see the official blog for full directions. I will likely be going between the two locations during the day, so I hope to see you there!
If you don’t live in the Bay Area, might I direct you to the front page of our blog where you can make a direct donation? Share Our Strength is a tremendously worthy cause and I’m proud that the food blogger community has embraced it wholeheartedly. 100% of the proceeds from this bake sale will go towards funding programs across the nation to feed hungry children. If you have a moment, you can watch this official Share Our Strength video which describes the goals and various activities of the organization including the national bake sale.
Now, on to other business. I’m sure you’re all waiting to hear the winner of the Le Creuset braiser giveaway. Thanks so much for all your kind birthday wishes – I had a wonderful day and it was great to get so many comments. Now go comment on my last post on eggettes, please!;)
The winner of the Le Creuset braiser is:
Reader 116, sydney85! Congratulations and thanks again to all who entered!
Some other site housekeeping updates:
– I have now updated the conversions page with information on common weight-to-volume conversions. I know there are many international readers to this blog, and I often get comments about converting my recipes to metric, or vice versa. I’m slowly working on standardizing all the recipes on this site, but in the meantime check out the page for some quick conversions you can use yourself.
– For those of you that subscribe to my rss feed, it was created from my old Typepad blog and I have created a new one for this site. Could I ask, if you are a subscriber, to subscribe to my new feed? (the subscribe button is to the right in the sidebar). I’m keeping up both feeds for now but I’d like to eventually discontinue the old one, and I don’t want to lose all you subscribers! Thanks!
Stay tuned for Thursday where I’ll give an update on what I’m making for the bake sale!
I hope to meet you on Saturday!
what are you making for the Bakesale?
Congratulations! A girl like you is very important for the cultivation of American culture through food.
I hope this went well!