Whenever I'm in the mood for summer holiday, my mind always drifts to soft sandy islands afloat in glass-clear seas, bare feet dangling over hammocks, and tropical fruits hanging lush and ripe from the trees.
Alas, no island getaway for me this summer, but fortuitously, I received a sample of The Perfect Puree of Napa Valley in my mail – in mango! Although it's certainly great to be able to take advantage of seasonal produce, it's nice to have a quality alternative. When I was working at the bakery and we were making raspberry and passionfruit pates de fruits year round, fruit purees like these were a lifesaver: the consistent quality of good fruit purees takes one less variable out the complicated calculus of pastry.
I had also just gotten these adorable little dessert glasses – perfect for making verrines, those gorgeous French desserts that look like captured rainbows. Verrines are meant to be a feast for the senses – a beguiling combination of colors, textures, and tastes. I got out one of my favorite inspirations, a book on verrines by Stéphane Glacier, and there, as if pulled right out of my daydreams, was a mango-and-coconut striped number, ready to quench my thirst for a tropical getaway.
The coconut cream uses pastry cream lightened with whipped cream, one of my very favorite techniques. Although pastry cream has a glorious multitude of uses, sometimes I like to mix it with whipped cream to give an airier texture and soften the flavor. With intensely rich and creamy coconut milk added, the whipped cream also prevents the final mixture from becoming too cloying or sweet.
I combined the mango puree with a little sugar and gelatin to create a jelly layer. Glacier's original recipe combines mango and passionfruit purees, if you want your tropical verrine to be a veritable orchard of fruit. One note with using purees: as with using fresh fruit, the amount of sugar to add depends on the existing sweetness. Some purees are presweetened, so be sure to taste before putting extra sugar in.
I've made mango mousses before, but I like this mango jelly because it preserves the brilliant golden-sunset hue of the fruit, and provides a nice contrast to the coconut cream. Also, since it's a jelly, you only want to have a thin layer (unless you're going for Jell-O-esque cubes), so it makes for an elegant visual.
The very lovely photo in the cookbook showed the verrines decorated with chocolate curls, but since it was nearly 90 degrees in the city (yes, in SF, no joke!) I decided against the pain of tempering chocolate in high heat and opted for some chocolate wafers instead. I think it makes them look like little ice cream sundaes – sipping up summer, indeed!
Although San Francisco is not exactly the ideal place for outdoor unheated swimming pools, all the bodies of water I passed by this shimmeringly hot weekend looked mighty tempting. I hope you all get to enjoy a splash in the pool this summer!
Tropical Verrines
adapted from Verrines et Petits-Gateaux
makes 12 verrines
Coconut Cream
2 cups milk
10 tablespoons sugar
6 large egg yolks
4 tablespoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
8 1/2 ounces coconut milk
8 1/2 ounces whipped cream
Mango Jelly
10 1/2 ounces mango puree
2 ounces sugar
6 grams (1 packet) powdered gelatin
For the coconut cream: heat 1 1/2 cups of the milk and 4 tablespoons of sugar in a medium saucepan on medium heat until it comes to a simmer.
Meanwhile, whisk the remaining 6 tablespoons of sugar and the egg yolks together in a medium bowl.
Whisk the remaining 1/2 cup milk and cornstarch together in a small bowl, then add to the eggs and whisk to combine.
When the milk on the stove has come to a simmer, pour in a slow stream into the egg mixture, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from cooking.
Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the mixture thickens into pastry cream, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in the vanilla.
If you see any lumps or cooked bits in your pastry cream, press it through a strainer. Place a piece of plastic wrap against the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming and let cool.
Whisk the coconut milk into the pastry cream until combined and smooth.
Gently fold in the whipped cream into the mixture into combined.
Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a round tip for ease of filling the glasses.
Combine the mango puree and sugar in a small bowl.
Bloom the gelatin with about 1/4 cup of water, then microwave for about 10 seconds until it is liquid.
Add liquid gelatin to the mango puree and stir to combine. Let sit for about 5 minutes to cool.
Pipe some of the coconut cream into the glasses, about 1/3 of the way up.
Pour some of the mango puree on top in a thin layer. Refrigerate for about 10 minutes to let the mango set slightly.
Pipe some coconut cream on top of the mango layer.
Pour some more of the mango puree on top, stopping short of the top of the glass.
Refrigerate verrines until set.
Meeta says
these look incredible anita! love the vivid yellow! cocnut and mango are always a classic combination!
Michelle says
Looks lovely!
Romy says
These look like a perfect dessert for a hot day and dreams of the beach. Beautiful photos and I jsut adore the little glasses!
Kim says
The combination of mango and coconut sounds absolutely wonderful. Great photography and this looks like the perfect dessert for the hot summer months!
Laura says
Anita, I can’t believe the heat this past weekend. Luckily I was able to spend most of Sunday by a friend’s pool in Healsburg.
I have never made verrines, not sure why, you inspired me to try.
Emily says
They look refreshingly delicious. Can’t wait to try to make these.
Maria says
What a special treat for summer. Lovely photos. I hope you do find some time to lounge by the pool!
snooky doodle says
what a nice summer treat! these verines look so nice and refreshing 🙂
kat says
these look refreshing! hope you are enjoying summer!
Dominique (de vous à moi...) says
I have a lot of verrines, different sizes,perfect to enjoy desserts and entries. Your recipe seems so sweet and so fresh. I have Stephane Glacier’s book about macarons, but not about verrines: I’ll try to find it!!
Michele says
These are so beautiful!
Patricia Scarpin says
That looks like a Brazilian dessert, with all the tropical flavors going on. Beautiful, Anita!
peabody says
How gorgeous are those!
Nelly says
Hi =)
this asticle is very nice
isa says
I love the combination of coconut and mango, so delicious. Beautiful pictures.
Shauna says
So beautiful! Anything to make summer in San Francisco feel more like well…summer! Since moving to Twin Peaks, I’m thinking of installing some kind of lighting system in our house to fool myself. But I’m thinking trying this recipe instead would be cheaper.
Love your blog!
Ria says
Anthony says
Yum and again yum, cheers
Helen says
These verrines are just gorgeous in colors and flavors!
Chia says
Lovely. I am going to make them this weekend for a party. A question: where can I get those cute dessert spoons? Thanks!