I got a surprise e-mail at the end of last week notifying me that I had been nominated for Best Food Blog in the Blogger’s Choice Awards!
If you click on either the badge at the top of the post or in the right sidebar, it will take you to my nomination page on the Blogger’s Choice Awards webpage. The winners are chosen by popular vote, so please, if you have been enjoying my little corner of the web, could you take a moment to go to the page and click the little yellow "vote" button?
(Actually, when I got the e-mail that let me know of my nomination, I had to go to the site and register myself as the owner of Dessert First. In the process of registering, I guess I automatically voted for myself. I am hoping you will spare me the embarassment of looking like the only person who voted for her own blog!)
Thank you all! I promise a dessert-related post will be coming later this week! I happen to have a slew of birthdays coming up, plus Memorial Day weekend – so many occasions, and only one KitchenAid!
eliza says
Anita congrats! your blog has been consistently presenting delicious desserts all the time, I think you’re entitled to be nominated!
Daniel Chow says
congratulations anita!
i think the award is obviously deserving.
since coming across your blog i’ve been browsing through the recipes and pondering on which one i’d like to try out. i’ve already tried out the goat cheese recipe. i love it!
i’ve been showing off your site to my family. my mom enjoys reading and trying out recipes, but i’m not sure if i can sway her into using the internet. she used to have her pen and paper out when juila child comes on.
anyway congratulations again.
Kat says
Congratulations, I’m going to vote right now!
feli says
oooo I voted!!!
kate says
congratulations ! my vote it yours !
Antonio Duro says
Congratulations!! I found this blog looking for dessert recipes and I use to read it.
I am one of your fans from Spain and i will vote for you.
Thanks you I am improving by knowledge about cooking words in English, and of course about sizes and weights conversions 🙂
cheryl says
Tanna says
Congratulations … desserts coming … wonder what that could be.
monica says
congratulations!!! i’m voting right now….
Ivonne says
Congratulations, Anita!!!