I have some more exciting news to share – I'm going to be part of the very first National Food Bloggers' Bake Sale, which is part of the Great American Bake Sale.
The Great American Bake Sale is a campaign created by Share Our Strength, a national organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger. On April 17, bake sales will be held everywhere across the nation, with the proceeds donated to Share Our Strength.
Gaby of What's Gaby Cooking came up with the excellent idea of mobilizing food bloggers to lend their numbers to this worthy cause. Check out her site for the list of food bloggers who are heading up bake sales in their various states.
I will be hosting the San Francisco Food Bloggers' Bake Sale, and I'm happy to announce that it will take place at Omnivore Books, the preeminent destination for food literature-lovers in the city! In a wonderful coincidence, I have learned from Celia, the store's owner, that Rose Levy Beranbaum will be speaking at Omnivore Books on April 17 as well! Come hear a pastry goddess speak, buy a cookbook, purchase a pastry and fight childhood hunger – how could you accomplish more on a Saturday afternoon?
What are the San Francisco Bake Sale details?
When: Saturday, April 17, 12-3 PM
Where: Omnivore Books, 3885 Cesar Chavez Street, San Francisco, CA 94131
How can you help?
If you live in the Bay Area and you want to participate in the bake sale, please e-mail me at [email protected]! It doesn't matter if you have a food blog or not, only a desire to bake! I need volunteers to help bake up goods to sell, and I would love a chance to meet all you local foodies! Bring a plate of cookies or a cake, whatever you feel like contributing!
If you aren't able to bake up something, please come by and help support us! Purchase something yummy and make a donation to Share our Strength!
If you don't live near San Francisco but would still like to participate, check Gaby's page to see if there's another bake sale going on near where you live.
Also, to all my readers who don't live in San Francisco, if you would also like to make a direct donation, I would be very thankful, and you can be proud of contributing to a wonderful cause! My team page is here – click on "Make a Gift" to donate.
Here is some additional information on Share Our Strength and The Great American Bake Sale.
As a food blogger, I realize how fortunate I am to have the luxury to bake whatever I dream up in my kitchen and write about it. Many children in this country do not even enjoy three meals a day. Let's use this opportunity and our shared love of food to help out those less fortunate than us.
Thanks for all your support and help! I'll have another post up later this week about my experiences at the Chocolate Salon!
I wish I could come to your sale:) I am doing the one for Utah! It should be great fun. I can’t wait to hear about the Chocolate Salon, lucky! Hope you enjoyed some Amano:)
I wish I could host a sale on that day because it’s my birthday!!! But I will be on an airplane flying home and its spring break for my school that week 🙁
I’ve just linked over to you because I was reading all the archives of http://cannelle-vanille.blogspot.com
I haven’t gotten into reading much yet (and I definitely will read every entry in the Archives cause I’m OCD and food-obsessed and LOVE desserts like that) but I’ve read about six or seven entries and I love your style. I’m totally looking forward to reading everything else you have shared; and even more so because they’re in actual US measurements so I can easily make your recipes!
– E
Wow this would be great. Bake sale, I love baking and I love sales. He he he..I hope to see many fellow blogger that would like to attend this simple but great event,